
Wednesday Night Dinner

Come and join us St. Paul's for Wednesday Night Dinners. We are looking forward to weekly fellowship with our St. Paul's family. Catered by The Tasty Table/The Abbey, will include a…


Wednesday Night Dinner

Come and join us St. Paul's for Wednesday Night Dinners. We are looking forward to weekly fellowship with our St. Paul's family. Catered by The Tasty Table/The Abbey, will include a…


Wednesday Night Dinner

Come and join us St. Paul's for Wednesday Night Dinners. We are looking forward to weekly fellowship with our St. Paul's family. Catered by The Tasty Table/The Abbey, will include a…


Wednesday Night Dinner

Come and join us St. Paul's for Wednesday Night Dinners. We are looking forward to weekly fellowship with our St. Paul's family. Catered by The Tasty Table/The Abbey, will include a…

Advent Wreath Making Party

Parish Hall 116 N. Academy St., Murfreesboro, Tennessee, United States

Please join us for fun and fellowship as we create our Advent wreaths to start the Advent season! Everyone is welcome! Wreaths are $10 and dinner (Demos') is $5 a…


Ladies Night Out

Meets the 2nd Thursday of each month. A casual evening of fellowship. Bring along your favorite beverage (adult or otherwise) and a snack to share if your day permits. See…


Men’s Club

Men's Club will gather at 6:00 p.m. for fellowship, then have dinner at 6:30 p.m.. Main Dish will be provided. We ask others to bring a side dish to share;…


Ladies Night Out

Meets the 2nd Thursday of each month. A casual evening of fellowship. Bring along your favorite beverage (adult or otherwise) and a snack to share if your day permits. See…


Men’s Club

Men's Club will gather at 6:00 p.m. for fellowship, then have dinner at 6:30 p.m.. Main Dish will be provided. We ask others to bring a side dish to share;…