Campus & Grounds
Come Find Us in Downtown Murfreesboro, TN
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church sits on over one and a half acres located on Main Street just east of the historic Murfreesboro Square.
The original church on the current location was the existing chapel, which was dragged to the site by mules in 1929. The 21st century has been a busy time in the growth of our parish campus. A new nave, narthex, and adjoining sacristy, nurseries, and Flower Guild room were built in 2002 and join our original chapel used for smaller, more intimate functions. A new parish hall and education and meeting room spaces were completed in 2015. This phase added almost 14,000 additional square feet of Christian education and Catechesis rooms, along with a parish hall equipped with a large commercial kitchen and capable of seating over two hundred people. This addition is both an aesthetically beautiful and incredibly functional space for our parish.
Our campus is busy with activity, and it is not uncommon for meeting spaces to be occupied almost every night of the week. Some campus buildings are used in outreach ministries to our downtown homeless population, such as the Coldest Nights ministry shelter for women when the temperature drops below freezing. Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, AA, drug court counseling, organ training for university students, and many more groups use our campus on a regular basis. This new space has undoubtedly filled its mission in “equipping us for ministry!”
Looking forward, our long-range plan includes additional phases to update and renovate administrative facilities and the nursery, and add more Christian education and meeting space. Renderings for renovations to the administrative building are complete (click here to learn more), marking the beginning of the next look forward. God will guide us, and we are blessed to have such a beautiful and high functioning campus.