
Parents Group Sunday School

  • During the Christian Education hour between services there is a special class held for parents. The Parents Group meets in the Wise Room 2nd floor Parish Hall each Sunday from mid-August to the end of May from 9:00 – 9:50 a.m.
    • This supportive education hour is open to parents with children in a spectrum of ages as we each have insights to share with each other.

Parents’ Night Out

These events not only provide a fun time for our children at the church, but it helps to give parents of young children a night out to nurture their relationship with each other. This event is one of the ways St. Paul’s strives to care for our parishioners.

Our nursery hosts a Parents’ Night Out (PNO) once a month on the 3rd Friday of the month from 6:00 – 9:30 p.m.

  • PNO is open for children ages 6 weeks old through age 9/5th grade
  • Each event has a theme that runs through all of the activities, snacks, games, and ends with a movie. This fun event not only provides a fun time for our children at the church, but it helps to give parents of young children a night to nurture their relationship with each other. This event is one of the ways St. Paul’s strives to care for our parishioners.
    • Sign-ups for PNO is on the door of the nursery entrance and children must be signed by on the Monday before the Friday event.
    • The event is free, though donations can be made at the door.

Parents Group Fellowship

  • During the year St. Paul’s hosts a few events for our parents group to get together socially and continue to build this supportive network of fellow parents. Traditionally a parents Halloween costume party and Christmas gathering have been hosted at a parishioner’s home.
  • Stay connected via the St. Paul’s Parents Group Facebook page. We share information about upcoming events and opportunities to this private group. It is also used as an avenue to share excitement for our little ones, any concerns, and support for each other.