Acolyte Registration Form Contact InformationName(Required) First Last Address Street Address, City, State, & ZipBirthdate(Required) Month Day Year Note: Must be 10 years OR starting 5th grade or above.If youth, grade started in fall 2024:Not applicable12th Grade11th Grade10th Grade9th Grade8th Grade7th Grade6th Grade5th GradeParent/Guardian Name (required if under 18) First Last Preferred Phone Home/Landline Personal cell phone Mother's cell phone Father's cell phone Spouse's cell phone Preferred Email Address Family email Personal email Mother's email Father's email Spouse's email Please note, if acolyte is under 18 at least one parent's email address is required.Preferred Mobile NumberEmail AddressesPlease list all emails you want contacted with items such as scheduling. We must have at least one parent's email if acolyte is under 18*. Check the primary contact email if one is preferred.Acolyte Experience InformationPreferred Service 8:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. No preference Experience New to serving Returning as St. Paul's acolyte Served elsewhere For returning or transferring acolytes, please provide month and year you started serving. Torch Untrained Trained as Likes Wants to be trained as Crucifer Untrained Trained as Likes Wants to be trained as 1st Server Untrained Trained as Likes Wants to be trained as Banners Untrained Trained as Likes Wants to be trained as Streamers Untrained Trained as Likes Wants to be trained as Thurifer Untrained Trained as Likes Wants to be trained as If youth, please add any special comments that may help the Acolyte Master in working with you or your youth (if parent completing the form).Name of Person completing the form(Required) NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.